Drostanolone Enanthate is our brand name for drostanolone enanthate 200 mg/ml. It is designed to provide an extended release of drostanolone without frequent injections needed. This product has the same effect as drostanolone propionate, but has a longer half-life of about 4.5-5 days. It is perfect for long cycles to ensure high quality lean muscle bulk and dense look without excess subcutaneous water retention typical found with long esters. It combines well with long-acting testosterone and trenbolone esters (Testosterone Enanthate 200, Testosterone 500, Testosterone Cypionate 2o0; Trenbolone Enanthate 200, Trenbolone Hexabenzylcarbonate 100).
For more information about the anabolic steroid Drostanalone Enanthate 200, about using and mixing steroids you can obtain from our consultant.